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发表于 2014-2-16 00:12:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Windows2003 SP1
Install MySQL to the default directory using the
1. Complete the installation by pressing "Next"all the way
2. Select “Detailed Configuration”
3. Choose “Developer Machine”
4. Choose “MultiFunctional Database”
5. Select path for Data, this configuration used the
6. Choose “Decision Support (DSS)/OLAP
7. Enable TCP/IP Networking on 3306 and Enable Strict Mode
8. Enable standard character set
9. Install as a Windows Service and set to launchautomatically,
check “Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH”
10. Enter a Root Password
11. Create the setup
12. You may need to edit the Windows Firewall settings toallow for
TCP port 3306 to be opened for the installation to complete.
§ NOTE: PHP 5.2.6 DOES *NOT* WORK WITH Postgres (DependencyIssue with php_pgsql.dll)
This version is not available anywhere on internet. Whichother
latest version can work on 32-bit windows server 2003 ????
I managed to get PHP 5.3.3 working on 32-Bit WindowsServer 2003.
To install PHP on IIS you need to firstly install the Microsoft
FastCGIExtention 1.5 for IIS6 and
You are also going to need Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Redistributable Package(x86) prior to 'installing' wiki.
1. Change the install folder to C:\PHP (do this byclicking Browse
when thetree list of items to install is shown)
2. Select IIS CGI from the list of WebServers
3. Expand Extensions and select “MySQL” to
install, but noteother extensions may be useful but can be added
later. Hint: If you plan onusing Active Directory authentication
later on, be sure to select “LDAP”,“OpenSSL”
and “MCrypt” now. If you add them later, not
all necessary files arecopied. You can get these files by
performing a reinstall, but this will messup your php.ini
4. Install all extras (PHP Manual and PEAR)
5. In explorer create folders C:\PHP\sessiondata and
6. Select both folders, right click, and choose properties.On the
Security tab grant user IUSR_ or IIS_WPG() “Modify” rights to both
folders. (On Windows XPthe Security tab is hidden by default.
From any Explorer window, click Tools,Folder Options, View tab,
then uncheck the last option, Use simple file sharing. This unhides
the tab.)
7. In Notepad open C:\PHP\php.ini
8. Find the line “;cgi.force_redirect = 1” anduncomment it, change
the value of “1” to “0”
9. Find the line
change to “upload_tmp_dir="C:\PHP\uploadtemp"”
10. Change the next line to read:
§ Search PHP.INI for other instances of session.save_pathand
upload_tmp_dir. Comment them out, if found.
1. Save PHP.INI
§ Verify that usershave write access to the 2folder created above.
This is where cookie information is stored among otherdata. Matt
18:35, 7 April 2008 (UTC)
That's it, you're done. No reboot is necessary.
cd php
1. Extract MediaWiki from its downloaded file and
place theentire folder in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki
2. Right click on this folder. Add IUSR_ to
the permissions list with "Read &
3. Open IIS Manager
4. Stop the Default Website
5. Right click on “Web Sites” and choose New, Website
6. Call it “MediaWiki”
7. Select the path “C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki”
8. Allow the permissions Read and Execute
9. Right click on MediaWiki and choose Properties
10. On the Documents tab add “index.php” as the default content
pageand move to the top of the list
11. Save settings and exit IIS Manager
12. Enable write permissions on the
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki\config folder (at least during the
setup process).
13. Run “iisreset”
14. From ANOTHER MACHINE navigate to /mediawiki" href="http://%3Cservername%3E/mediawiki" target="_blank">http:///mediawiki Note: My machine was a
virtual Windows 2000 ProfessionalSP4 installation with the
machine joined to the domain and logged on using adomain user
15. Configure MediaWiki as to your needs
16. Copy LocalSettings.php from
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mediawiki\config to
17. Navigate back to /" href="http://%3Cservername%3E/" target="_blank">http:///
18. You are good to go…
§ Ensure that the virtual directory has the .php extensionenabled.
(Note: The PHP installation should have alreadyconfigured this.) To
do this,select, right click on the web site with the virdir, select
Properties. In theresulting dialog, select the "Virtual Directory"
tab, and finallyclick the "Configuration..." button. In the
"Applicationextensions" window, scroll down to verify .php is
listedand the path to php-cgi.exe is correct.
§ Ensure the default document is set to index.php. Todo this,
select, right click the virdir and select Properties/ In
theProperties window, select the "Documents" tab, and in the"Enable
default content page" verify index.php is at the top of
Note that the menus mentioned in this section are not present on
WindowsXP Professional SP2. In that
case, you may safely skip this step, as therestriction you would
otherwise need to disable for PHP isn't present in thefirst place.
In XP Pro SP2, there is no "Web Service
Within the "Internet Information Services (IIS)Manager"
1. Expand
§ (+) Internet Information Services
§ (+) Hostname
— The name of
your server
§ (+) Web Service Extensions
2. Right-click and choose "Add a new Web serviceextension..."
3. In the new window entitled "New Web Service Extension":
1. In the "Extension name:" field, enter,"cgi" (without the
quotation marks)
2. Then click "Add..."
1. "In the new window entitled "Add file" andin the field "Path to
file:", type in "C:\PHP\php-cgi.exe"(without the quotation
2. Click "OK"
3. Tick "Set extension status to Allowed"
4. Click "OK"
The system should allow you to have 2 extensionsreferencing the
same Required Files (C:\PHP\php-cgi.exe), but in some casespeople
have reported this as something that doesn't work for them. There
is nodefinitive fix for this at the time of this writing...other
than to tell youthat it works for me... Possible workaround is to
copy php-cgi.exe tophp-cgi2.exe and use php-cgi2.exe instead.

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